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Recovered in excess of $55,752,351 for our valued clients.

“Brian, we will recommend you to our friends and boast that you are an Honest Man and C & C Investigations is immensely helpful and trustworthy to conduct the research and recovery of lost funds.”

-Mary R


"Brian, truly a blessing in so many ways. Nice to see someone doing something "so right" in these days."

-Thomas M.


“Thank you for being so personable, professional and knowledgeable!  You are appreciated!!!"

-Lynn L


“Truly a blessing in so many ways. Nice to see someone doing something "so right" in these days.” -Thomas M


“Brian, I’m so happy to have achieved a positive outcome with your hard work and I really appreciate your guiding us all through the process.”

-Gwen S


"Brian, your diligence has provided us with a lovely, unexpected benefit. Thanks so much."

-Thomas S


“Thank you for everything. You don't know how much this means to my family! We honestly thought her entire estate had been lost! We appreciate all of your work with this matter.”

-Amber H.


“Your diligent efforts greatly assisted us in navigating the complex landscape… ultimately resulting in the successful recovery of funds rightfully belonging to our client”

-Michael M.


“Thank you and your team for your hard work in finding me funds that I didn't know anything about. May God bless you and your company with many more years of business.”

-Tammie D.


“In last few weeks been contacted by a number of others about this money. So glad you were weeks ahead of them and took care of this immediately for us.”

-Marilynn K.


“Thank you for your patience and time spent taking care of the details for all of this, we truly appreciate you and your company for all your help.”

-Stephanie P.


“Thank you for your help with this matter & for your service to our great country.”

-David G.


“Dear Hank, just a note to let you know how much I appreciate all your hard work and all your help.  Job Well Done!,”

-Donald W.


“Our pleasure Hank.  Thanks for your highly professional and kind service.  God bless!,”

-Doug B.


“Thank you Hank for the pleasure of working with you in a timely and expertise manner.  Having this nice surprise for my parents has been a blessing for our family.  Thank you for all you do.  May God bless you and yours,”

-Jerry and Becky W.


“Dear Hank,  Thank you so much for all your help.  The check is on the way to Utah to J.  His credit union has set up an account and we are good to go.  What a blessing and totally wonderful “surprise” this has been for my folks!  It has been totally unexpected and much appreciated because we have kept it all quiet not knowing if we could put this deal together or not!  I am so excited to give them the check for their portion.  Also, I am blessed to see that you are a Christ-follower as well!  Your work has been marked by integrity and I am so thankful for that!  Blessings,

-Lugene T.


“What you have done for my daughter and me is so very wonderful.  We are so very grateful. Thank you.  A million times.”

-Heather P.


“I greatly appreciate all your help. I don’t think I would have not only known about it but been able to receive the funds if it weren’t for you and your colleague in Mexico.”

-Cris F.


“Brian, Thanks!!”

–Kent M.


“Fantastic…thank you so much for your diligent efforts to help us claim these funds! The process was definitely well worth it, and we appreciate all of your hard work!”

–Allison B.


“It is my honor to have been served so royally in a timely manner and be in such efficient hands during the entire process! Never had a moment’s concern covering, what to me, was very unfamiliar ground. Indeed a comfort. God bless you and your family!”

-William H.


“Thank you so much for all your work toward our goal. I’m very happy and grateful.”

–Karen B.


“Brian and C & C Research were a breath of fresh air in a business world where being a skeptical consumer has become the norm.  Their fee was extremely reasonable and was on a contingency basis; meaning … if they recover nothing, you owe them nothing.  Plus they did not send an invoice until the funds had been approved for distribution and didn’t expect payment until the assets posted to my bank.


Brian was very proactive throughout the process.  The entire time I knew what the next steps were, timeline, etc.  he guided me through the process of gathering all required documents.  He gathered all documents that he could possibly gather.  I only had to collect documents that had to be requested personally by me.  Brian provided instructions, web links, & phone numbers to outline what I needed to do for each of those documents.  I wholeheartedly recommend their services to anyone.”

–Eric D.


“Brian, words can’t express how much we appreciate the work you have done for our family.  God used you and your company to make it possible to care for my mother at home longer that we could have on our own.  Accept this check with our thanks.”
– Maria J.


“Sir, just a note of thanks for hard work and patience you and your team had in resolving and securing the funds from my grandmother and mother’s estates.  I will admit I was very skeptical when you contacted me, but your willingness to work with me and answer all my questions helped calm my concerns.  Thanks again.”
– Martin P.


“Dear Hank: Enclosed are the two checks payable to C & C Research for the recovery of the assets for our Parents’ estates.  Thank you so much for your help.  Regards,”
– Linda H.


“Brian H. Crismore:  Thanks a Million!!!”
– Renate T.


“Brian, enclosed is payment for your very fine collection services for this estate.  Thank you!”
– John B.


“Your assistance has been fantastic in providing me with the best route to follow in recovery of my parents’ small estates!! Will be eternally thankful!!”
– William H.


“Well, this is wonderful news. Thanks so much…I really appreciate your hard work and persistence.  I’ll let you know when the check has arrived and cleared, and I’ll get your payment to you.  Thanks again!  You’ve been great and have made things so easy on my end!”
– Allison B.


“Hi Brian, Your check is in the mail.  If you don’t receive it in the next week, please let me know.  Thanks again for all your hard work in helping our family!”
– Jolyn H., Esq.


“I am sending this on behalf of David C.  Thank you for ALL of your help with this matter.  If you have any questions, please call me”
– Natalie M.


“Mr. Crismore:  I thank you so much for contacting me and handling the funds recovery.  It is truly a blessing for us.  God Bless you and your family, always”
– Michael K.


“Hank – Thanks for handling this – much appreciated”
– Suzanne E.


“Dear Mr. Crismore, Thank you for being so kind and patient.  God bless you and your family, Sincerely”
– Sylvia W.


“Thank you for all your most professional work and your blessing.  You have been our guardian angel recovering my father’s lost assets.  We wish you and your family a big “Thank You” and hope God continues to bless you through the love of Jesus Christ.  Sincerely yours,”
– Bruce, Gay, Cindy, Candy and Kai.


“Hank, Thank you so much. This came at a great time and we are indeed blessed to have you help us. The very best to you and your family. May God bless you. Best Regards,”
– Bob, G.


“I just want to tell you how grateful I am for all your help in recuperating my long lost funds. I sincerely hope you don’t take offense but, since my bank put a hold on most of these funds, I wanted to make sure the check would clear entirely. One cannot be so sure nowadays. As a matter of fact, I have been receiving some phone calls for an “IRS Agent” telling me that the IRS is suing me uless I call their number back. It’s been in the news daily. Of course I didn’t answer but, they leave a prerecorded message. Anyways, your much deserved fees are on their way as of this morning. Again, thank you so very much for all you did for me.”
– In solidarity, Jesus C.


“Thank you for all your help Hank. We surely appreciate it! Merry Christmas and Happy Jesus Day to you and your family as well! Take care,”
– Kathy P.


“Good evening Hank.  Just received the checks today.  As they say, your check is in the mail tomorrow.  I can’t thank you enough for your help.  It has been a pleasure working with a true professional.  It has been a pleasure.  My Best!
– Kim F.


“Hello Hank, I want to take this opportunity to thank you again for all your help with obtaining the money for my late Mother’s Estate. I would not have been able to get the money without your help. I had tried several times right after the Will went through probate but with no luck. I had started to think that I would never receive the money from the bank. Please know that I will forever be thankful for your service. Sincerely,”
– Vernell W.


“Thank you for your assistance in the recovery of these funds. Very truly yours,”
– Bill M.


“Hi Hank, I would like to take this time to say thank you for your help, your professionalism and your patience through this successful recovery. You kept me up to date all along the way. Sincerely,”
– Eleanor C.


“Hank, Thanks again for your assistance with this file. Your invoice payment attached. Regards,”
– Tom F.


“Thank you and God Bless!”
– S. V.


“Thanks again. Its been very nice working with you and knowing you.”
– Patricia G.


“Dear Friends, Our thanks go to you for we would not have known about the funds had it not been for you. We appreciate the prayers on my behalf during my surgery and we pray God’s richest blessings upon you and your group as you continue…”
– Barbara H.


“Thanks again for your help.”
– Pat S.


“Hank, I wanted to personally send you a special thank you for the work you facilitated for my Grandmother Ruby A. I must first admit that I thought you and your organization was a total scam. I want to offer my sincere apology and gratitude that you are not a scam but a blessing in people’s lives. My grandmother Ruby A. received her check as you stated and we are grateful for your efforts. I went to the post office this morning and personally mailed a commission check for the amount requested. Again thanks for your integrity, commitment and willingness to help people you have never met or seen. You are a Man of God! And you have represented Him as He should be represented. Kindest Regards, Eugene H. and Ruby A.”
– Ruby A. and Eugene H.


“Dear Mr. Crismore: Enclosed is my check drawn on my father’s estate account to pay your fee. As you know, we and the bank had to provide more information to set up the estate account. Thanks so much for providing information to the bank, as well as waiting patiently for the enclosed check. Thanks for all you did to establish our recovery. I enjoyed working with you. My sister sends her thanks too. Sincerely,”
– Lorena & Ann


“We appreciate the good job you have done for us Hank (a great deal!) We will certainly recommend you to anyone we can help you with. Truly yours, Frank and Bob”
– Frank and Bob B.


“Dear Hank, Thanks for your help! Sincerely,”
– Della L.


“Hank Crismore, Thank you for all your work on the recovery process on the Estate of my Brother. I’d recommend you to anyone. Sincerely,”
– Margaret M


“Hank, To say that it has been a pleasure to work with you would be a giant understatement. Thank you so much for your persistence and professionalism. Feel free to use me as a reference. I am a very satisfied client. Steve”
– Steve L.


“Thank you, Hank! All I know is that half of the funds would’ve been utterly wasted if I’d received them before I got sober. After 9 1/2 months of life unencumbered by alcohol, this is simply the cherry on the cake – the real gift is my no longer being estranged from my blessed Lord and Saviour. All Blessings to You and Yours, In Jesus’ Holy Name, Dave”
– Dave A.


“Thanks. You did a great job. Thanks and God Bless you and yours.”
– Luciana C.


“Thank you – thank you – thank you! With two “grands” in college this money will help. Blessings,”
– Avis P.


“Hi Hank, Thanks to you and your wife in recovering this money for us. Of course we are very pleased. It’s a great pleasure to deal with people who have impeccable integrity and do the job with excellence and no surprises. I’m very happy to recommend you and your firm if that would be of help. Thanks so much.”
– Paul E.


“Hank Crismore: Here is the check for services rendered. On behalf of myself and my Brother, I would like to thank you. Your hard work and diligent Investigations has assisted us all. Thank you!”
– Joseph R. C.


“Mr. Crismore, WOW! Thanks for everything. Have a great day!”
– Betty Sue W.


“Hank, Thank you again for all your efforts on our family’s behalf. The proceeds we received will go towards my daughter’s college fund. I am sure my grandparents would be proud. Sincerely,”
– Sabra C.


“Dear Hank: Thank you so much for all of your efforts in assisting my brother and me in receiving the … funds that belonged to our mother. Enclosed is our check for your assistance. If you find anything else floating around “out there” please let us know! Thanks again Hank. You’re the best. Sincerely”
– Judy L.


“Mr. Hank Crismore, Thank you for your work. Sincerely,”
– Rachel G.


“Thank YOU, Hank. You were definitely a pleasure to work with!”
– Betsy R.


“Thank you very much! God Bless!”
– Ronald and Zolia M.


“Thank you again for finding our “windfall” and the very friendly and professional way you conduct your business.”
– John and Nancy H., Judy S. and Jim H.


“Dear Hank, Thanks so much for your help. You did a great job and were very easy to work with. Best Regards,”
– Bruce D.


“Thank you for your help…and I appreciate your comments. May God continue to bless you.”
– Rick S.


“Mr. Crismore, Thank you so much for a job well done!”
– Peter L.


“Hank, It has been a pleasure working with you. If you need a recommendation don’t hesitate to call.”
– Frank P.


“Thank you!”
– Marion B.


“Again, thank you for all your help.”
– Kent M.


“Thank you, Hank. You did a fine job with this and I can surely recommend you to others.”
– Randy R.


“Mr. & Mrs. Crismore, I would like to thank you for your perseverance in making us aware of a Life Insurance Policy our Dad has left us. It has been a long process, but with your help it has come to completion. Thanks again,”
– Jane M.


“Hank, Thank you for your help. Nice to know you are there. Take Care.”
– Judy N.


“Pleasure working with you Hank.”
– Rich S.


“Thanks again Hank!”
– Gary O.


“Dear Mr. Crismore, Here is your check. I hope it is alright that I got this Cashier’s Check. I want to thank you and your staff for all you have done for us in finding my daughter’s money after 38 years. Thanks Again!”
– Johanna O.



Thank you for the encouraging words, it is my prayer for Mary and you to be blessed and to be a blessing to others. Thank you for your assistance in this matter, it was a pleasure doing business with you, and may God richly bless you, your family, your ministry, and your work.

– Tim G.


“Dear Hank, Thanks again for faciliating another Blessing. You are truly appreciated and I hope all is well with you and you are Blessed too.”
– Courtney A.


“Dear Hank, Thanks so much for all of your work on this!!! Maybe we can come up with some more “stuff”! PS: I only wish I were as organized and efficient as you are!!”
– Barry Jo H.


“Mr. Crismore, He continues to bless us all, most often through the kindness of other believers. For the entire family — Thank You! In His Love,”
– Mary W.


“Thank you Hank for all of your help.”
– Connie M.


“Thank you, Hank, for your patience and good work.”
– Mike L.


“Thank you so much!”
– Chuck T.


“Dear Hank, Thank you so much for your help. Next time I am in Austin, We’ll have lunch.”
– James F.


“Hank, Thanks for letting me know the check arrived safely. I am thanking the Lord for his providing this financial blessing according to His grace and mercy utilizing yourself and your company as the vehicle. We are both Born Again Christians and I have had the honor to be Vice-Chairman of the Board of Northwest Baptist Seminary in Tacoma, WA. for in access of 30 years. Thanks be to God for His grace and blessings extended to his children daily. In His Name”
– Bill D.


“Hank, Thank you for all your help. May God bless you, your family, and your business. For it is through His Grace and Love we live.”
– Carl, Sherrie and Tyler


“Dear Hank Crismore, It has been a pleasure working with you concerning my brother’s estate. I appreciate your timeliness. Enclosed is a check for your services according to your invoice. Sincerely yours,”
– Rosamond G.


“Thanks for everything!”
– Billie G.


“Thanks Hank!”
– Ron B.


“Dear Hank, Thank you for finding this money for me. Sincerely,”
– Ann Y.


“We appreciate all your work and success. Our Church needed this boost. We will be praying for you and your work.”
– Jerry Lee J.


“Thank You C & C Research!”
– Mr. & Mrs. Ben P.


“Dear Hank, Your professionalism is exceeded only by your kindness and I thank you for that. And if you would, please keep me in your prayers. Gratefully,”
– Susan R.


“Hank, Thank you so much for all you did. You helped me so much, you will never know. And I Thank You! God Bess Always,”
– Susan S.


“Thank you so much for all your help.”
– Nora B.


“Hank Crismore, Thank you so much for helping us with our brother’s estate. Thanks,”
– Loretta P.


“Hank, Thank you for your help. It was an easy process, with a good outcome.”
– Ellen F.


“Thank you so-much!”
– Carol and Ed W.


“Dear Hank, Thanks for alerting our family about my father’s property. Our family wishes you and your company a very happy and prosperous Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year.”
– Charlie and Brenda W.


“Dear Mr. and Mrs. Crismore, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!”
– Graciela B.


“Thank you for finding me. This money has made life easier.”
– Adrian W.


“Thanks for your help in this matter,”
– Bonnie C. H.


“Thanks a lot!”
– John I. W.

“Hank, Thank you! I appreciate how you handled this matter in a professional manner. If you ever need a reference, please feel free to contact me. Thanks again,”
– Julio G.


“Hank: May the Lord Bless and keep you, May He make His face to shine upon you and your family, May He lift up His Countenance upon you and give you His Peace. Thank you so much for your time and assistance in settling Papi’s estate leftovers. I put the check inside the Post Office this morning. It’s up to USPS now. If there is anything we can help you with, please feel free to contact us. HE IS RISEN! and the stage is set for Christ’s return. See you in our heavenly home soon!”
– Edna G.


“Thank you Hank! Hope you are well -”
– Shannon W.


“Dear Mr. Crismore, Thank you for finding and returning the lost funds for my niece and me. We both appreciate your hard work and perseverance…Thank you again – Sincerely,”
– Susan L.


“Hank, Thank you for all your help with my Dad’s Estate. I hope you’ll be blessed in the coming year and always. Kindest Regards,”
– Charlotte G.


“Dear Hank, Thank you for your work and follow through. It was a pleasure working with you – Best Regards,”
– Ann B.


“Mr. Crismore, I want to thank you for all your help in this matter. May God Bless you and your family. Sincerely,”
– Jaime G.


“Dear Hank, Thank you so much for all of your help. I can’t believe I could have let this matter slip. Wishing you all good things in the future.”
– Alice G.


“Mr. Crismore, Thank you for a job well done! I will send you the payment as soon as the check arrives along with a phone call to let you know of the forthcoming payment. Thank you!”
– Ron V.


“Thank You! God Bless you! Jennifer”
– Jennifer B.


“Dear Mr. Crismore, Thank you for all your help in finding and securing the insurance money. Sincerely,”
– Kathleen S.


“Hank, Thanks so much for your help. You and the Lord have truley blessed me!”
– Edie DLP


“Hank – Thanks for all your help. Enjoy your scuba diving trips.”
– Sue


“Thank you! :)”
– John Paul D.


“Hank, I may not ever meet you in person here on earth, but I know I will recognize you when we meet in Glory. May God rain blessings on your business and family the way He has used you to rain blessings on mine. In Christ,”
– Floresa W.

“Thank you for everything you did. Wish you all the best. Thank you again. From my family to yours!”
– Jessica F.


“Hank, Thank you for your help with my recovery! I truly appreciate it. My best,”
– Brad P.


“Thank you!”
– Patric & Paulette M.


“Thank you so much for contacting me. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year – Respectfully,”
– Ila Jean R.


“Thank you for your help!”
– Tim B.


“Dear Hank, Thank you very much for the good news. I appreciate very much your bringing this claim to our attention and very professional manner with which you pursued it to a positive conclusion. Best Regards,”
– Daniel S.


“Dear Hank, Thanks for your help with our claim. It has been a pleasure working with you since this adventure began. I look forward to working with again also. By all means, if you find anything else that belongs to my Mother, please let me know. It is a pleasure to enclose your well-deserved check and thank you again for your patience. I wish you all the best, for a very happy holiday season and a healthy and successful New Year. Sincerely yours,”
– Paul & Ruth F.


“Thank you for finding this money! Appreciate it very much,”
– Kathy and Greg


“Today there are so many scams it’s refreshing to be in contact with someone providing a real service and you can quote me. Regards,”
– Dan S.


“Hank, thanks for the good news. We are in Canada for the Holidays but are making arrangements with our house sitter to send a check. You did a great job. If you ever need a reference let me know. Best Regards,”
– Dan S.


“Thanks for the help and searches!”
– Leona M.


“Thank you Hank for the value-added service that you have provided our company and best wishes to and your family as well. Regards,”
– Jack W.


“Dear Hank, Thanks again for finding my money-sure do hope you find more! Till then,”
– Norma Sue S.


“You are the best Hank. May God continue to Bless you and your family. As soon as the check arrives, yours goes in the mail from me. Thanks again for your professional advice and counsel.”
– Michael R.


“Hank, Than you! Have enjoyed talking with you.”
– Earl R.


“I have received the check and have deposited it in the bank. I was told it would take a few days to clear which I had anticipated. However, by the time this reaches you it should be fine to cash. I want to thank you for bringing this to my attention and handling the whole claim process. I guess I never would have heard from the insurance company even though I asked to be notified when the claim paid. I had so many help me in various ways during my year in Texas caring for my brother and now I can add your name to that list. Thank you again so much. Sincerely,”
– Lois F.


“Dear Mr. Crismore, Thanks so much for your help locating and recovering assets from my father’s estate. My bank tells me the check has cleared and I wanted to quickly send you your check. Thanks again for all your help.”
– Scott R.


“Hank and Mary, Thank you very much for your service. Hope to see you sometime and share a meal. May God Bless,”
– John M. P.


“Thank you!”
– Roberta C.


“Mr. Crismore, Thanks for your help!”
– Mary Jane S.


“Thank you so much,”
– Susan C.


“Thank you Hank for your help! I am putting your payment in the mail today.”
– Marlita V.


“Thanks for your help!”
– Peter W.


“Hank, Thanks so much for all your help! If you see anything else, please let us know.”
– Sharon B.


“Dear Hank, Just wanted to thank you and your office support for all your help.”
– Victor and Rita D.


“Hank, Thanks! Got the check today and will mail yours tomorrow. Keep looking, there is probably more out there for us!”
– Bill S.


“Dear Mr. Crismore, We thank you for your successful efforts in notifying us of this money and recovering it for us. Best Wishes,”
– Ramsey C.


“Thank you Hank, I thought I was in good hands and now I know. With Respect,”
– Ron L.


“Dear Hank, I hope you and your family had a wonderful Christmas and will have a blessed New Year. Your efforts have blessed us greatly and I thank you again! Enclosed please find a check for your fee.”
– Sherrill L.


“Hank, Thank you!”
– Grant and Mickey S.


“Hank, Thanks for doing what you do!”
– Hal M.


“Dear Hank, Thank you for your help finding my money. Its been a real help. God Bless you!”
– Jackie C.


“Dear Mr. Crismore, Thank you so much! Today I have prayed blessings on you and your family.”
– La Veda P.


“Dear Mr. Crismore, Thank you for all of your help. I hope you and your family have blessed holidays.”
– George C.


“Hank, Thanks again for all of your help.”
– Rob S.


“Dear Hank, Never has it been such a pleasure to pay an invoice. Many thanks again for all of your efforts on our behalf. As you know from Dwight’s emails, we are more than elated by the results and will put the unexpected funds to very good use (at least from our point of view). We wish you an excellent end of the year and lovely holiday season when it arrives. And again, many thanks.”
– Barbara N.


“Thanks Hank for all of your work. It was very professionally done & made this a painless experience.”
– Bob M.


“Dear Mr. Crismore “Thank You” two small words that mean so very much to me and come completely from my Heart. I so appreciate all of your hard work, honesty, patience that you displayed through all of the trials & tribulations of this matter. Again, thank you and stay well and Happy. God’s Blessings to your and yours. Sincerely yours,”
– Doris L.


“Hank, Thank you. Please add Galaxy’s name to your list of satisfied customers.”
– Joan L.


“Hank, Thanks for all your help. It was a wonderful experience.”
– Louise J.


“Thanks Hank for everything you did locating these funds…”
– Karl D.


“Hank, thank you for the good work. Go find more!”
– Robert P.


“Hank, Just a follow-up note from the message I left you regarding your recovery fee. I will always be very grateful for what you have done for me. The check arrived today. I will be making a deposit today and will mail your recovery fee by cashier’s check on Monday in the self enclosed envelope you provided. Again, God Bless You and Thank You So Much!”
– Marsha G-J


“Hank, Thank you for doing this for me. It was like a “little gift from heaven”. Best of luck to you. Keep up the good work.”
– Joe C.


“Dear Hank, Thank you so much for the excellent job you did on the recovery of the remains of my mother’s estate. It was a pleasure working with you, Hank. I do appreciate your gentle and steady reminders that keep me focused (usually) on the work at hand. If you ever need a referral for a potential client, you may have that person contact me. Your well-earned check is enclosed. Very best regards,”
– Kathleen S.


“Mr. Crismore, thank you for everything you did for me. I will be eternally grateful. God Bless You!”
– Celeste R.


“Hank, thank you for your hard work. You never gave up but continued until our claim was resolved and paid. You kept us informed all along the way. Many thanks from our entire family!”
– The Reynolds Family


“Thanks again for your work and God’s Blessings!”
– Carl S.


“Thank you for looking our for me and my family. I appreciate you immensely, it was great sending you the check. Sincerely,”
– Dr. Paul M.


“Thank you, Hank. I appreciate your help in discovering and processing these undelivered funds, as well as your integrity. Your Christian beliefs and character shine through your business dealings. Feel free to stop in and say Hi if you get to Brownsville. Yours Truly,”
– Randy H.


“Dear Mr. Crismore, Thank you! My hope is that God also blesses you, your family and your business. Because of what you do, I have been blessed. Money has been very tight lately and I was behind with several important payments. My children and I had the opportunity to help a homeless man not long ago. With money so tight, it was a sacrifice but was the right thing to do. We expected nothing in return but were immediately rewarded with a genuine thank you. It was a learning experience for me and my daughters. A real life experience! Now we have been helped through the actions of your company and the recovery of these much needed funds. So, one more time, Thank You!”
– Emily B.


“Hank and Mary, ‘The check is in the mail’ Thank you so much for all the work you did in my behalf. If I ever make it back to Salado I’ll take you both to lunch. God bless you both,”
– Betsy S.


“Dear Mr. Crismore, I am very glad to have received your gracious and professional service in assisting me through my claim. Now that the process is complete, it is with pleasure that I close this with great satisfaction in all the details. Please find enclosed my check for your invoiced amount as agreed. I wish you continued success at your new location in Salado. Thank you very much. Sincerely,”


“Dear Hank & Mary, Thanks again for your “super” detective work…finding this long lost account was both a surprise and a blessing for us as we start our retirement years…my fond thoughts of my home-state of Texas will now always include the both of you!”
– Toni P.


“Dear Hank, Enclosed is my check to you per your invoice dated Feb 27, 2004. It took a lot of work on your part to bring this claim to a satisfactory conclusion and I want to thank you for the expeditious manner you conducted this investigation. Yours Sincerely,”
– Harvey D.


“Dear Hank, I’m happy we finally will settle this. You have been great – first, to find this, then to pursue it – lots of work. My brother was pleasantly surprised. I’m moved and impressed. Thank you,”
– Laverne G.


“Mr. Crismore, I want to “Thank You!” for all your help. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!” Staying in the Face of God,”
– Anthony J.


“Dear Mr. Crismore, Thanks so much for the great service you provide. You must feel like Santa! I appreciate your professionalism, your integrity and the spirit with which you operate. Thank you again, Sincerely,”
– Mary H.


“Hank, Thanks again for everything.”
– Larry L.


“Thank you Hank. I appreciate your assistance.”
– Clint W.


“Dear Mr. Crismore, Enclosed is my check per our original agreement. Thank you for your help in this whole matter. As you know, I was skeptical in the beginning. It is rare, in my experience, to have someone contact me ‘out of the blue’ saying there is a substantial amount of money that may be mine. It seemed too good to be true! Since this is part of your business, I guess you run into all sorts of reactions when you first contact people. Thank you for your help.”
– Sheila R.


“Thanks H.C. for your help.”
– Marty


“Thank you Mr. Crismore for all your help. This has been a blessing and now I do believe that money does fall from the sky. At first when I read your letter, I told my son it may be junk mail. But now as I walk to the bank this morning to deposit it, I realize it was not. There are no words to thank you & your company for all you have done for me this year.”
– Linda D.


“Mr. Crismore, Enclosed is your check. Many thanks!!”
– Mark


“I appreciate all that you have done to get this resolved. May you continue to have much success in all that you do, along with many blessings for the Lord.”
– Bernice H.


“Hank, thanks to all of you for the help in this matter. Hank have a good one. Thanks again from myself and my sister.”
– Harvey B. B.


“Hank, Thanks for all your work. God Bless.”
– Parilee S.


“Hank, I would like to thank you for many things. First your kindness. You were always helpful and supporting in this timely process. Second, your hard work and effort. You have made it possible for me to pay off some debts that were overdue! This is all possible because of your hard diligent work. I wish you continued success and happiness. May God bless you and your family.”
– Nakia M.


“Mr. Crismore, Thanks so very much for your help, patience and encouragement. It has been a great motivator during this transition in my life. Your kindness and understanding has reassured me that GOD is with me. Your help has been a great service as I begin a new life. Again, thank so much.”
– Natalynne W.


“Hank, We sent our check yesterday. Thanks again for you good help.”
– Tom M.


“Enclosed is a check to pay your well deserved finders fee and sales tax. Thank you for your diligence and hard work.”
– Edward S.

“Hank, Hope you find lots more!”
– Mary R.


“Thanks for a job well done!”
– Marian S.


“Hank, Enclosed please find a check for your professional fee of 10% as we agreed. I have been very pleased with your services from day # one. Again, I am extremely grateful & pleased with your work on my behalf. Thanks,”
– Tom G.


“Thanks for your help in this matter!”
– Nancy E.


“Dear Hank, I thank you both – It was a pleasure dealing with such nice people! Sincerely,”
– Roberta P.


“Dear Hank, My client was very pleased and so was I. Not only did you do what you said you would, you did it in a very professional manner. You kept us informed each step of the process. Thanks,”
– John S.,  Attorney-at-Law


“Hank, Thank you for your efforts on my behalf in this matter. Please find my check for your fee.”
– Kelly S.


“Dear Hank, It has been a pleasure getting to know you and I appreciate you and the professional way you handle your business. Hope you know how much your effort is appreciated! Thanks again.”
– Ann S.


“We received the check on Friday for the claim. Thanks again for your assistance!”
– Mary Ann R.


“Dear Mr. Crismore, Thank you for finding the money for us.”
– Ann W.


“Hank, Thank you for bringing this money to my attention and streamlining the collection process.”
– Melody M.


“Thank you so much.”
– Gabriel P.


“Thanks Hank, I doubt I would have received any of these funds without your sleuthing! It will come in handy for me & my children!”
– Suzanne E.

Testimonials : Client Testimonials


27606 Bogen Road * New Braunfels, Texas * 78132

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